How to book a ride?
Please follow the following steps to book a ride:
- First of all, book your ride on this website → Dashboard.
- Choose an available electric vehicle and click
- Please log in using your IMT Atlantique credentials
- Specify your booking details and save!
Please have a look at the recap below:
Where are the vehicles?
- Please ask Baptiste to allow you to access the bike shed.
- You will have to sign a legal discharge of responsibility on your first booking.
- ⚠️ Safety first:
- Wear neon, fluorescent or other bright clothing
- Ride during the day
- Wear an Helmet (two helmets are provided by IMT Atlantique)
- Get acquainted with french traffic laws!
- If you are riding a bike, always take a lock with you!
- Enjoy your ride and come back before the end of your booking.
- Do not forget to plug your vehicle once you get back!